Tadasana Downward Dog
Cobra pose
Warrior 1 pose
Warrior 2 pose
Triangle pose
Half Moon pose
child pose
Cat Pose
Bheka Bhujangasana
Translation: Frog Cobra Pose
From The Child pose open the knees.
Straighten the arms and walk them back towards the body until they are vertical.
Look forward or up. Looking up can cut circulation off. In yoga it is felt as a pressure that interrupts the flow of water. It may be more beneficial to look forward or do a combination of looking up and then forward. Push into a mild boundary while looking up if you hold this pose for a long time for better blood flow.
The feet are together in the pictures shown. Try opening the feet out a little as a variation.
Lean on the elbows for a milder backbend.
Tuck the tailbone down to reduce the curve in the lower back. This may be hard if this area is not flexible.
Weight usually shift into the outer parts of the hands. Be aware of this and distribute the force and weight over them evenly.
The Leg adductors are stretched. Some of these are , the pectineus, adductor brevis and adductor longus, the gracilis and adductor magnus.
Vinyasa Yoga postures to transition from and to:
Cat Flow, Balasana
Bhujangasana . JanuSirsasanaII
Parivrtta Janu Sirsasana II
Upavistha Konasana
Salamba Kapotasana
Adho Muka Kapotasana
Yoga Teacher Tips
This is one of the most effective ways to stretch the leg adductor muscles. A large percentage of the standing postures require this area to be flexible. A great improvement will be seen in many postures if this posture is practiced regularly. Make modifications for comfort and teach this posture without the backbend if they are beginners.