Parivrtta Parsvakonasana (Var)
Translation: Revolved Extended Side Angle (Variation)
This is one of the standing twist variations. The pose shown challenges balance and strengthens the ankles.
From a lunging position bring the opposite elbow up and over the bent leg.
Place the palms together and bend the other elbow up. The palms can be moved towards the chest a little more than shown for neatness.
Start with the knee on the mat and align the body then raise up for an easier entrance. Remaining on the kneecap too long may be bad for the knees.
Avoid it for long periods of time or make adjustments so that the pressure falling upon the knee is reduced.
Roll forward with the back foot so that the top of the foot touches the mat.
Twist from the lower back to the top of the neck. Lengthen from the toes that are pointed to the top of the head. Rotate the head and look up or slightly out.
The hand can be placed on the mat on the inside or outside of the knee.
This supports the upper body. Using a hand and arm to support the body can help endurance. This can allow you to explore other variations of this pose.
The loose arm position can be varied resulting in many different benefits.
Pectoral muscles can be stretched when the loose arm is raised up. When the arm is stretched diagonally out many muscles running along the side of the body and around the shoulders are stretched. One of these variations is shown in the Sun Salutations shown below.
This pose will strengthen the quadriceps of one leg and stretch the quadriceps of the other. The ankle will also be both stretched and strengthened on the straightened leg.
Vinyasa Yoga Sequencing and Flowing
Vinyasa Yoga postures to transition from and to:
Tadasana Parsvakonasana
Virabhadrasana 2
Urdhva Virabhadrasana 2
Virabhadrasana 3
Parivrtta Ardha Chandrasana
Ardha Chandrasana
Adho Mukha Svanasana
Eka Pada Adho Muka Svanasana
Parivrtta Trikonasana
Virabhadrasana 1
Parsva Dandasana
Yoga Teacher Tips
There are so many variation of this yoga posture. It really is great to explore all of them. Choose the variations that give you a pleasant rotation and feel good. Give easy variations and build into a harder pose too.