Tadasana – Mountain Pose
Tadasana – Begin by bringing awareness to the Surface Of The Feet.
The foundation of a tree is its roots therefore bring awareness to the feet first in this yoga pose. The same force should be present in both feet.
Pelvic adjustments must be made to achieve this.
Evenly distribute the weight over
the feet. Always try to get more of the surface area of both feet and toes
to touch down on the mat or floor.
The toes should be used to stabilize the body from forward
motions. Sometimes the weight can fall on the outside or inside of the feet.
Try to have the weight centered.
Printable Yoga Poses
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Yoga Poses on Printable cards help you learn the names of the yoga poses. These were created by Mark Giubarelli in 2005 for Yoga Teacher Training Purposes.