Pattabhi Jois has often said that the concept of vinyasa came from an ancient text called the Yoga Kuruntha.
This text has vanished and no one living has seen it.
“Let the body become soft like the snow. Let it flow like water and be as light as air. Move through shapes and forms in a flowing state of grace. Gifts of light from flowering souls to all that is divine.”
Mark Giubarelli
More On Vinyasa Yoga
What is Vinyasa Yoga?
Vinyasa Yoga combines yoga postures in carefully sculpted patterns with breathing and prayers. In Vinyasa Yoga sequences of yoga postures are performed in artistic ways that balance and counter balance the body. The form, movement and breath are integrated into flow.
The breathing is quite often neglected in yoga classes and more focus is placed on alignment. It is best to know how to do the yoga poses before you learn the breathing otherwise there is just too much to focus on. When we focus intensely he breath is often ignored or becomes labored. Vinyasa yoga is the art of moving through postures with the breath and allowing the breathing to lead the way. In a yoga class this is often done with the yoga teachers signals so to truly move with your own natural breathing you must practice in harmony with your own breath.
History Of Vinyasa Yoga
Read how Vinyasa Yoga and most other forms of Hatha yoga came about through Sri Ramamohan Brahmachari, Sri Tirumala Krishnamacharya, Sri Pattabhi Jois and Sri B.K.S. Iyengar.
Free Vinyasa Flow
Shows a flow with lying spinal twists and backbends.
This one is really good for back pain. Filmed at Samadhi Center For Yoga.
Vinyasa Sequence Tutorial
Demonstrates different ways to flow through yoga poses. A valuable lesson for every practitioner.
Vinyasa Yoga Flows
See a variety of cool Sun Salutation flows. Click on the images for more information.
You can also click on the images at the sides for more info.
More Vinyasa Yoga Flows.
Vinyasa Cards
Learn many different Vinyasa Yoga sequences with printable cards. Instruction are included in pages
Vinyasa Yoga Resources
Vinyasa-yoga-splits vinyasa-yoga-shoulderstand
vinyasa yoga cards
vinyas-yoga-for-hipsvinyasa-yoga-cards lotus-twists
Twisted Crescent Moon
Half Moon to Warrior 3
White Room Vinyasa Yoga Videos
Simple Sun Salutation Simple Sun Salutation 2
2 Point Lunge
Humble Crescent Moon
2 Triangles to Deep Lunge
Side Rocking Flow
Warrior Lunge Flow
Traditional Warrior Flow
Side Stretch to Lunge
Twist Twice to Lunge