
What causes Sciatic Pain - SciaticaThe sciatic nerve is the longest nerve in the body running from the sacrum down the leg. The sciatic nerve expands into branches that enable movement and feeling in the whole leg (thigh, knee, calf, ankle, foot and toes).
Sciatica usually refers to pain caused by an obstruction in the electrical flow of energy through the nerves that travel from the lower spine down the leg.

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Causes of Sciatica Pain

As mentioned above pain in the Sciatic nerve is caused by an obstruction in the nerves that run from the sacrum down the leg. This can be caused by muscle imbalance in and around the sacrum.
Siatic pain may also be caused by a disc problem around your lower back. This is usually a damaged disc that is bulging. Read more


Symptoms of Sciatica Pain

Tingling and pain shooting down the leg. Pain across the buttock. Loss of ability to move one leg without pain.

Yoga Poses That Help Relieve Sciatica

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