Sun Salutation Videos >>
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Sun Salutations
All these Sun Salutations were filmed in the west side of Maui. The original clips were shot with 2 cameras and used for the second series sequence of Sun Salutations but I wanted to bring you the sun shot.
Most of these clips are shot into the sun making it hard to see what is going on.
The narration is also left out so that you can appreciate the artistic scenery and calmness these yoga videos bring. It is a wonderful gift to be able to freely sequence in the sun and it is my pleasure to share this gift with you..
Yoga is an art and these videos bring you a grain of sand in the art of sequencing…
Love and blessings
Mark Giubarelli
Description: Lateral Flow to Knee
A well blended lateral flow that moves through Extended Side angle twice with Warrrior 2 pose and Crescent Moon pose.
Sun Salutation Instructions
1. Exhale in the mountain pose. Tadasana
2. Inhale stretch up.
3. Exhale down into a forward bend. Uttanasana
4. Inhale and step one leg back. Lunge Pose
5. Exhale back into Downward Dog pose. Adho Mukha Svanasana
6. Inhale forward to the push up position. Adho Mukha Dandasana
Exhale down to Eight Limbs Pose. Astangasana or Chaturanga Dandasana8. Inhale into Cobra Pose. Bhujangasana
9. Exhale back into Downward Dog pose. Hold and Inhale.
Inhale into One leg Downward Dog pose.11. Inhale forward into a Lunge Pose.
12. Exhale into Extended Side Angle Pose. Parsvakonasana.
13. Inhale into Warrior 2 pose.14. Exhale into Extended Side Angle Pose. Parsvakonasana.
15. Inhale into Crescent Moon pose.16. Exhale into a standing forward bend. Uttanasana
17. Inhale into the Chair pose. Utkatasana
18. Exhale into the mountain pose. Tadasana
more about Sun Salutations
Vinyasa Yoga Suggestions
This sequence should be performed on the other side in the same order.
Warrior 2 pose can be held for a few breaths.
more about Vinyasa Yoga
Yoga Postures Involved