Sun Salutation - Lunging Splits

This flow shows a Sun Salutation that really opens the hamstrings. It also contains a combination of back bends that really makes the back strong and open.

Then flow through the lunges and forward bends moves flowing in waves. It is a nice flow but should be performed once the hamstrings are warmed up and open.

The flow into lunge pose also strengthens the knee and quadriceps.

This sequece can leave your hamstrings a little tender the next day.

There are many different ways to go through the standing sequence. Below are some variations starting with the one show above.

The same leg stays forward at the beginning and at the end. So the right leg steps back at the beginning then the left leg steps forward during the standing sequence. The Salutations are then done on the right side. (Easier to remember and less confusing.)

2. The right leg is stepped back The right leg is stepped forward and each time the legs are switched within the same Sun Salutation. The standing postures are performed on one side in one Salutation and on the other side in the next. (Bit more confusing but can feel more balanced.)

3. The left leg steps back on the way back and the right leg steps forward on the way forward standing sequence is performed on both sides but in one Sun Salutation. (Longer Sun Salutation but more balanced.)

Enjoy your flow!

The first posture is Tadasana. The palms can be together or down at the hips. There are many variations of hand and arm placement. Experiment a little.

This variation chosen is done as a sign of strength and faith. In sanskrit faith is called Sradha. This posture can be called Sradha Hasta Tadasana.

Quick Tadasana Tip!
Have even pressure on the heels. To do this make a little circle with weight distribution on the heels. Just roll the heels in small circles into the mat. This educates the mind to proper pressure on the heels and good use of energy running down the legs.

all the air leaving only a little in the lungs.

stretch the arms up and tilt lightly forward with the pelvis.

If your back is healthy and it feels good tilt more than shown but it in not necessary and sometimes it can hurt the discs. If the abdominals are engaged the tilt will be lessened and the discs have more protection. For this reason engage the lower abdominal muscles.

down into a forward bend. Enter a mild boundary when bending down.

step the right leg back.

The step back is a little tricky. Not so much because of the flexibility needed but more so because of the breath. Inhaling is hard with the step back and even harder with the step forward. Try inhaling just a little at the start of the motion then inhaling more fully when the leg passes the halfway point.  

back to Downward Dog.

forward to Plank Pose


 Exhale down to Eight Limb Pose. (If the arms, wrists or shoulders are weak or injured modify this pose. Try lowering less and then transitioning to Cobra.)


Inhale up to Cobra pose. (Enter a more mild boundary at first. Then progressively open the spine. This is a harmonious and gentle way to approach spine flexibility.


Exhale back to Locust Pose.


Inhale up to Upward Facing Cobra pose.

Exhale back to Downward Dog.

Inhale step the left leg forward. This step forward is tricky. As explained earlier this is quite hard to do with a smooth large breath. A good tip is to wait till the leg is forward quite far before breathing in deeply.

Exhale straighten the left leg. This will provide a good hamstring stretch and can be a great way to have some breath recovery. Thus making the transition into Warrior 1 smooth.




Flow one time and then enter Warrior 1 with an inhalation. This is a variation of Warrior 1 pose.





Exhale as you place the hands down and lift the right leg. Lean slightly forward and you will find the leg lifts higher. Try to straighten the left leg.





Inhale stretch the arms up and tilt lightly forward with the pelvis.




Exhale back to standing.

Yoga Posture tadasana

Salutation Pose

asana utanasana

Lunge Pose

Downward Facing Dog pose
Adho Mukha Svanasana

Downward Facing Staff Pose
Adho Mukha Dandasana

Cobra pose

Yoga Posture Samabhasana

Cobra pose

Downward Facing Dog pose
Adho Mukha Svanasana


Salutation Pose

Yoga Posture tadasana

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