Surya Namaskara

Surya Namaskara is an ancient way to begin the day with the worship of the sunrise. This page is dedicated to ancient prayer flows to and deep appreciation for each day.

Surya Namaskara Variations

Crooked 8 limb Sage Sun Salutation (No 07)

This Sun Salutation is named after an ancient Indian sage called Astavakra who was aid to a legendary king called Jananka.  Legend says that the sage was cursed by his father while in the womb of his mother for laughing when his father  wrongly recited some verses of ancient scripture called the Vedas.

When he was born he was crooked in eight places.

His curse was lifted when he avenged his father in a philosophical debate against a court scholar called Vandi.

This posture is actually one of the easier arm balances in yoga although it does look rather intimidating.

Having the legs hooked over one arm loosens the load on the arms making it a little easier to hold.

Flexible hamstrings make this pose easier but you can keep the legs bent.



Stand in Tadasana.








Inhale into a backbend.

Exhale into a forward bend.





Inhale and step the right leg back.




Exhale hop the right leg forward a little and also outward a little so that there is extra width in the legs. Interlock the hands and lean forward and down.


Bend the left knee a little for an easier pose.





Inhale and raise the arms up. The hands can be interlocked or for a more challenging position simply push the palms together and upward at the same time.




Exhale into Warrior 2. Open the arms and take a quick glance at your knee so that it is aligned well and also your arm behind you. A little glance can reveal a lot.






Inhale swing the arms down and round rotating your back leg (right) inward and placing it slowly down. The arms are raised into Crescent Moon.




  Exhale and lower the left leg carefully down. The knee is place to the left of the mat  allowing the outer lower left leg to touch the mat. The foot can be raised in line with the knee but this is an intense knee stretch and can destabilize the knee. You may want to place your foot at a more 45 degree angle.

Inhale and raise up with the arms.
The hands can be interlocked or for a more challenging position simply push the palms together and upward at the same time.

Lean slightly over to the left hip so that it is easy to swing the right leg round to the right.

Enter a lateral stretch in the exhalation.

mmm perhaps its better to watch the video for this transition.

Here is a few tips. Lean forward and almost have your chin to the mat before coming up.

Move your chest forward being careful not to strain the wrists. If your left leg is hooked over the right arm well you will rise easily with a little force.

Keep the knees bent if your hamstrings are not flexible.

Release and come down. Stretch the right leg back out to the right and exhale into a forward bend. This time the chest points down.

Inhale and raise up stretch the arms up.

Exhale place the right knee over the triceps above the right elbow. Lean forward with the chest and take the chi down dangerously close to the mat.

Push up and straighten the left leg back simultaneously.

If the left elbow is placed under the left side the left shoulder drops. But its a much easier pose. You may like it more.

Allow the right leg to land in-between the arms, drop the left left down and raise the arm up inhaling into Crescent Moon pose again.




Exhale Into a forward bend.

Inhale and raise up a little interlock the arms behind the back and exhale back down.

Inhale and raise the arms up into chair pose.

Exhale into Tadasana with the hands in prayer position.

Perform the same sequence on the opposite leg.

Yoga Posture tadasana

Salutation Pose

asana utanasana




Lunge Pose






fish pose matsyasana

Yoga Posture Warrior 2

Anjaneyasana lunge pose

Downward Facing Kapotasana
Adho Muka Kapotasana


Yoga Posture Kapotasana



Yoga Posture Parivrtta Janu Sirsasana
Parivrtta Janu Sirsasana

Yoga Posture Janu Sirsasana

Yoga Positionse Janu Sirsasana
Janu Sirsasana


Anjaneyasana lunge pose

asana utanasana

chair pose utkatasana

Yoga Posture tadasana
Yoga Breathing Techniques Ujjayi Pranayama.
Stage 3
Inhale and restrict the air flow to make the sound "sssss". Keep the sound constant and smooth. Exhale make a sound with the mouth closed that sounds like "hhhhha".

Don't hold the breath yet just warm up and work on smooth sound when inhaling and exhaling. Work on the changes in breath becoming smoother and longer also. This occurs when the breath crosses from inhalations to exhalations and exhalations to inhalations.
Download the Ujjayi Pranayama mp3

Do this for at least 5 minutes.

Then progress towards holding after the inhalation and then the exhalation as well.
Inhale restrict the air flow to make the sound "sssss". Keep the sound constant and smooth.

Pause at the top of the breath (antara kumbhaka).
Exhale and make the sound "hhhha" keeping the sound constant and smooth.
Pause at the bottom of the breath (bahya kumbhaka).
Ujjayi Pranayama mp3

Anuloma pranayama
Stage 2
reathe in through both nostrils fully open. Do not obstruct the inhalation. The traditional hand clasp can be taken up to the nose each exhalation or kept up there but the fingers remain idle until the exhalations.

Block the left nostril completely and exhale through a partially blocked right nostril. Pay close attention to the sound and air as it escapes.

Inhale once again through both nostrils unobstructed.

Exhale through the left nostril partially with the right nostril fully blocked.

This completes a cycle of Anuloma Pranayama alternating nostrils on the exhalations.

Anuloma Pranayama Mp3

Stage 5
Breathe in through both nostrils fully open. Do not obstruct the inhalation.

Exhale through both nostrils. Restrict the air so that exactly the same amount of air escapes both nostrils. If one nostril is blocked it will often open on the exhalations. Extra pressure will have to be applied to the nostril that is more open to bring balance on the exhalation.

Introduce bahya kumbhaka holding at after exhalation for at least 3 seconds. Do this lightly the first few times and gradually increase the vacuum inward and the time spent in uddiyana bandha.

This completes a cycle of Anuloma Pranayama restricting the air flow out of both nostrils evenly and retaining the breath after exhalation.

Anuloma Pranayama Mp3

Stage 5 - NadiSodhana Pranayama

Breathe in through the right nostril.

Exhale through the left nostril.

Inhale through the left nostril.

Exhale through the right nostril.
Nadi Sodhana Pranayama mp3

How long should you do these exercises? Until you feel the desired effect of both clear air flow and long breathing. If your nostrils block perform some other kind of pranayama and get yourself into a clean air environment.

Do this breath as for as long as it takes to feel open through the energy flow that the breath takes. Look for blockages and remove them as you perform this pranayama. They can be opened by creating more space or by thinking the flow open with the conscious mind but first the flow of air and energy must be understood by continual observation and practice.

by Mark Giubarelli

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