The Humble Crescent Moon (No 12)

This Sun Salutation has an interesting spinal twist with the step back. It is sometime nice to do postures like this before doing deeper spinal twists like Revolved Triangle when both legs are straight.

This spinal twist is good to add to sequences to prepare your body for the deeper twists.

After Crescent moon posture we flow into a posture known as Child pose which is where this Vinyasa flow gets its name.

On the way forward this Sun Salutation flows trough Triangle, Reverse Triangle, Warrior 1, Warrior 2 and warrior 3 prep which is a pose normally done before warrior 3.



Stand in Tadasana.








Inhale into a backbend.

Exhale into a forward bend.






Inhale and step the right leg back.

(Make the effort to look forward.)






Exhale and twist the body raising the left arm up and using the right arm for support.






Inhale and unwind. Raise the arms up and allow the right leg to drop down.

This pose may aggravate sacral problems.





Exhale back into Child pose.

Careful on the knees if they are not flexible. Take them back into a mild stretch. Do not lean with all your weight on a stiff knee. Be sensible.

Inhale into Cobra pose.

Exhale back to Downward Dog.

Inhale forward a little. Or stay in Downward Dog and Inhale.



Exhale back into One Leg Downward Dog. Raising the left leg up ad back.

The leg can be raised higher if the pelvis is tilted and the hips are taken out of horizontal alignment. The forces down the arms become uneven when this is done but provides for a larger motion when swinging the leg forward. 

Inhale step the left leg forward between the arms.

Exhale and straighten the left leg. The right leg steps sideways and the right arm stretches up. The left arm can be placed on the left leg or down on the mat.

Inhale on the transition.

Exhale deepen Reverse Triangle right arm down left arm up.

Inhale wind round and bend the left knee. Stretch the arms up into Warrior 1 Pose.

Exhale open sideways into Warrior 2 pose.



Inhale and rotate that right arm forward and lean forward. Take the tight arm up also and touch the palms together.

Exhale into a forward bend.

Inhale and raise the arms up.

Exhale into Tadasana with the hands in prayer position.

Perform the same sequence on the opposite side.

Yoga Posture tadasana

Salutation Pose

asana utanasana



Lunge Pose


Parsvottanasana asana
Parivrtta ParsvaKonasana




Anjaneyasana lunge pose

Balasana child pose




Downward Facing Dog pose
Adho Mukha Svanasana

Downward Dog
Eka Pada Adho Muka Svanasana

Lunge Pose

Yoga Posture trikonasana

Yoga Positions revolved side angle
Parivrtta Trikonasana

yoga position warrior 1

Yoga Posture Warrior 2

asana utanasana

Salutation Pose

Yoga Posture tadasana

Yoga Breathing Techniques

Perform Ujjayi Pranayama.
Stage 3
Inhale and restrict the air flow to make the sound "sssss". Keep the sound constant and smooth. Exhale make a sound with the mouth closed that sounds like "hhhhha".

Don't hold the breath yet just warm up and work on smooth sound when inhaling and exhaling. Work on the changes in breath becoming smoother and longer also. This occurs when the breath crosses from inhalations to exhalations and exhalations to inhalations.
Download the Ujjayi Pranayama mp3

Do this for at least 5 minutes.

Then progress towards holding after the inhalation and then the exhalation as well.
Inhale restrict the air flow to make the sound "sssss". Keep the sound constant and smooth.

Pause at the top of the breath (antara kumbhaka).
Exhale and make the sound "hhhha" keeping the sound constant and smooth.
Pause at the bottom of the breath (bahya kumbhaka).
Ujjayi Pranayama mp3

About 20 minutes of Ujjayi is good.

Samavrtti pranayama

Samavrtti pranayama
is a method of breathing in yoga where equal time is spent in each of the parts of breathing.

Stage 4
Inhale and count on the inhalation.

Pause at the top of the breath for half the time of the inhalation. If its comfortable pause for the same amount of time as the inhalation otherwise slowly increase the duration.

Exhale for the same amount of time.

Pause at the bottom of the breath for half the time of the exhalation. (Bahya kumbhaka).

Gradually work up to even parts of inhalation, retention, exhalation and retention.

This completes a cycle of Samavrtti pranayama.
Inhalation (Puraka) = retention (antara kumbhaka) = exhalation (Rechaka) = Retention (Bahya kumbhaka).

Samavrtti  for about 5 MINUTES

Ujjayi Pranayama

Stage 10
Inhale restrict the air flow to make the sound "sssss". Keep the sound constant and smooth.

Pause at the top of the breath (antara kumbhaka).

Exhale and make the sound "hhhha" keeping the sound constant and smooth.

Pause at the bottom of the breath (bahya kumbhaka).

Do the retentions for a a few seconds. keep them shorter but so that they are still felt and not rushed. Towards the end of the Pranayama practice lengthen the exhalation and use less strain. Focus on smooth transitions and a good quality of sound.

Perform Ujjayi pranayama  for at least five minutes. Then rest in Savasana if you want to feel more energy after practice.

by Mark Giubarelli

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