Yoga Postures Backbends

cobra pose Bhujangasana

Cobra Pose

Shooting Bow Pose
Ardha Bhujangasana

Half Cobra

cobra pose Bhujangasana
Parivrtta Bhujangasana

Revolved Cobra Pose

Yoga Posture Samabhasana

Locust Pose

bridge on the head
Setu Bandha Sirsasana
Bridge on the Head

Yoga Posture Samabhasana
Urdhva Dhanurasana
Upward Bow Pose


ustrasana camel pose

Camel Pose

Ustrasana Camel Pose
Parivrtta Ustrasana

Revolved Camel

Parsva Dandasana
Parivrtta Parighasana

Side Staff

bridge head
Setu Bandha Sirsasana
Bridge on the Head
cobra pose Bhujangasana
Eka Pada Setubandhasana
One Leg Bridge Pose
cobra pose Bhujangasana
Bridge Pose

fish pose matsyasana

Fish Pose
cobra pose Bhujangasana
Fish Pose (Variation)

The Shoulderstand Pose
The shoulders are pushed slightly into the floor and we stretch through the toes.





Janu Sirsasana yoga pose
Sraddha Vrischikasana

Devotion Scorpion
 Pose 4

handstand scorpion
Bhuja Vrischikasana

Arm Balance Scorpion