
Tadasana Downward Dog Cobra pose Headstand Shoulderstand Warrior 1 pose Warrior 2 pose Triangle pose Half Moon pose child pose Cat Pose
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Translation: Pressure on the Ears

This is another popular yoga posture that is done in combination with a shoulderstand sequence. Karnapidasana sequences very well with Urdhva Mukha Paschimottasana Yoganidrasana and Halasana above. It is also good to do a variation that is half way between this pose and Halasana. This can be done by simply bending on knee beside the ear instead of both.

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A side version of this yoga posture can also be performed by simple placing both knees over to one side of the head.

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Yoga Teacher Tips
Make sure the neck muscles are properly stretched before entering this pose.

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Vinyasa Yoga postures to transition from and to:
Yoga Posture yoga position asana Yoga Posture shoulderstand Navasana boat pose cobra pose Bhujangasana cobra pose Bhujangasana handstand scorpion Yoga Posture supta konasana Parsva Sarvangasana fish pose matsyasana cobra pose Bhujangasana sarvangasana frog pose Ardha Parsva Sarvangasana Baddha Konasana Bound Angle Pose Yoga Posture Upavistha konasana

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Sarvangasana Eka Pada Salamba Sarvangasana Navasana Setubandhasana Eka Pada Setubandhasana Yoganidrasana Supta Konasana Eka Pada Parsva Sarvangasana Matsyasana Matsyasana2 Ardha Bhekasana Parsva Sarvangasana Ardha Padma Sarvangasana Baddha Konasana Upavistha Konasana Urdhva Mukha Paschimottasana white space

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