Upward Crescent Moon Pose
This is a good Yoga posture to enter between certain transitions. It is a good step back preparation for many of the standing postures and is also a good yoga posture to transition to when coming forward.
This pose can be entered with a step back or a step forward.
Make sure the front foot is pointing forward perfectly.
Place the palms in prayer position or interlock them for ease and a greater stretch in the chest.
Tips Allow the back leg to turn slightly so that you balance weight over the ball points of the toes.
Raise the navel up a little so that the discs in the lower back have space.
This yoga posture helps in strengthening the ankle muscles and can aid in preventing and healing ankle injuries. Lower back muscles are also strengthened as well as many of the leg muscles.
This pose can help people who stoop forward in posture (kyphosis) when held for long periods of time.
This is a good Yoga posture to enter between standing poses such as Warrior 1 and Warrior 2 and Tadasana (Mountain pose) and Uttanasana the standing forward bend. This Yoga posture can be entered from almost any of the standing postures. Tadasana Tadasana
The Standing Forward Bend
Triangle Pose
Extended Side Angle Pose
Lunge Pose
Tree Pose
Virabhadrasana 3
Revolved Half Moon Pose
Half Moon Pose
Virabhadrasana 2
Virabhadrasana 1 and more.
Adho Mukha Svanasana Eka Pada Adho Muka Svanasana
Adho Mukha Dandasana