Locust Pose Shalabhasana

Tadasana Downward Dog Cobra pose Headstand Shoulderstand Warrior 1 pose Warrior 2 pose Triangle pose Half Moon pose child pose Cat Pose

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Yoga posture – Shalabhasana

Translation: Locust Pose

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Lying with the belly, chest and legs on the mat raise the legs and upper body. Push the legs together to engage the gluts further. Point back through the toes or ballpoints or the toes.

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Look forward. (If the neck hurts you can always look down.)

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There are many different positions for the hands and arms. They can be interlocked behind the back to increase shoulder flexibility or interlocked behind the head. The hands and arms can also be stretched out in front of you.

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If you find this posture too hard to perform try it with just one leg off the mat. It is a very therapeutic pose for building back strength and relieving bulging discs.

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Deep muscles in the spine are strengthened such as the multifidus, iliocostal lumborum, longissimus thoracis, iliocostalis thoracisis. longissimus cervicis, longissimus capitis and the iliocostalis cervicis, spinalis thoracis. To raise the head up and back the Spinalis capitis and semispinalis capitis are tightened and strengthened.

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This pose is part of a Yoga for Back Pain sequence.white space

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Vinyasa Yoga postures to transition from and to:

cobra pose Bhujangasana Shooting Bow Pose Downward Facing Dog pose Downward Dog Downward Facing Staff Pose Parsva Dandasana chaturanga dandasana astangasana cobra pose Bhujangasana Balasana child pose cat pose flow Yoga Positions Kapotasana Yoga Posture Kapotasana
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Bhujangasana Ardha Bhujangasana Adho Mukha Svanasana Eka Pada Adho Muka Svanasana Adho Mukha Dandasana Parsva Dandasana Chaturanga Dandasana Astangasana Parivrtta Bhujangasana Balasana Cat Flow, Salamba Kapotasana Kapotasana white space

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Yoga Teacher Tips
This is an excellent yoga posture for back strength. There are a number of variations of this pose and the should all be performed.

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