
Tadasana Downward Dog Cobra pose Headstand Shoulderstand Warrior 1 pose Warrior 2 pose Triangle pose Half Moon pose child pose Cat Pose

Yoga posture – Parivrtta Parighasana

Translation: Revolving Beam Poseheadstand pose sirsasana

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Place one knee on the mat and the hand to the outside of the ankle. Extend
the other leg out then arch the spine in a curve. Stretch the other arm over the
head and back in harmony with the curve and flexibility of the spine.white space

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Not much weight falls on the knee. Three points touch the mat. These are the foot of the extended leg, the lower part of the bent leg and the hand of the supporting arm.

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Place something under the knee if it hurts when weight is put on it.

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Earth energy will extent from the toes and foot of the extended leg all the way up through the body and arm.

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It can be challenging to put the foot of the extended leg flat on the mat.white space

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It is not necessary to tilt into a backbend. You can perform a posture similar to Parsvakonasana where the body is sideways and the placement of the supporting hand in in horizontal alignment with the hips.
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This posture stretches anterior muscles in the shoulders and chest muscles such as the pectoralis major.

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Vinyasa Yoga Sequencing and Flowing
Vinyasa Yoga postures to transition from and to: white space

chair pose utkatasana Virasana Hero Pose Downward Facing Dog pose Downward Dog Shooting Bow Pose cat pose flow Balasana child pose Supta Virasana ustrasana camel pose Ustrasana Camel Pose Anjaneyasana lunge pose Yoga Posture Samabhasana Yoga Positions Kapotasana Yoga Posture Kapotasana Downward Facing Kapotasana Yoga Posture Kapotasana asana extended side anglewhite space

Ardha Padmasana Virasana Adho Mukha Svanasana Eka Pada Adho Muka Svanasana Upavistha Januparivrttasana Cat Flow,  Balasana Supta Virasana Ustrasana Parivrtta Ustrasana Anjaneyasana  Upavistha Parivrttasana Salamba Kapotasana Kapotasana Adho Muka Kapotasana Ardha Kapotasana Parsvakonasanawhite space

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Yoga Teacher Tips
This posture is generally liked when introduced in class. Make modifications for students if a knee or shoulder condition is present.
Injured areas may be aggravated or in danger.

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