Yoga Inversions

Yoga Posture yoga position asana

Salamba Sirsasana
Supported Headstand
The headstand is a major pose in yoga. It is necessary to build the muscles in the spine and neck before attempting this pose.

Yoga Posture yoga position asana
Parsva Salamba Sirsasana

Side Headstand
It is necessary to build the muscles in the spine and neck before attempting this pose.

Yoga Posture headstand
Utthita Pada Sirsasana

Extended Leg Headstand Pose We enter this posture from the Headstand. Carefully open the legs one leg forward the other leg back. Allow the hips to open a little in the direction of the legs.

Yoga Posture yoga position asana

The Shoulderstand Pose
The shoulders are pushed slightly into the floor and we stretch through the toes.

Yoga Posture yoga position asana

Plough Pose
In this yoga posture the neck muscles are stretched.

Pincha Mayurasana
Pincha Mayurasana

Feathered Peacock

Yoga Posture shoulderstand
Eka Pada Salamba Sarvangasana

One Leg Shoulderstand
Drop one leg down towards the floor. Place the ball points of the foot on the floor if possible. You can also place the top of the foot on the floor.

Parsva Sarvangasana
Eka Pada Parsva Sarvangasana

One Leg Side Shoulderstand
The shoulders are pushed slightly into the floor and we stretch through the toes. The legs are opened and the hand supports the legs.

sarvangasana frog pose
Ardha Bhekasana Parsva Sarvangasana

Half Frog Side Shoulderstand
Resting on the shoulders twist the body sideways. Bend the leg on the shortened side and grab the
foot. Extend the other leg out diagonally.

Yoga Posture supta konasana
Supta Konasana

Reclining Angle Pose
The tops of the feet can be on the floor if you point them but for a deeper back and leg stretch push through the heels.

Ardha Parsva Sarvangasana
Ardha Padma Sarvangasana

Half Lotus Side Shoulderstand
The shoulders are pushed slightly into the floor and we stretch through the toes.