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Office Yoga Exercise

office yoga exercise for neck and back
This sequence has many arm opening yoga positions to free the chest. The chest is usually suppressed by continually leaning forward. Try to remember to raise your chest up so that your heart has plenty of room. Performing yoga exercises at your desk regularly will help prevent muscle soreness.

Office Yoga Exercise Instructions

Inhale as you open the arm. Do this lightly and after a few times stretch more so that you don't cause an injury. Allow your chest to raise up and forward as you do this.

(Are you stooping forward as you read this? Remember keep your posture good at the desk.)

Exhale as you take the hands back into the chest. Allow your spine to curve in the opposite way.

Keep the arms open and make smaller motions forward and back. Inhaling as you come forward and exhaling as you come back. Do this yoga exercise as many times as you like.

Clasping the hands behind the back and open the chest. Hold the yoga pose long enough to get a feeling of muscles being trained to remain back. It is not held for long on the yoga video clip.

After performing the hands clasped yoga pose raise the arms up into chair pose. This yoga exercise strengthens the legs.

After chair pose has been performed for an amount of time that slightly challenges your leg endurance enter a forward bend with an exhalation.

Allow your hamstring to stretch for a while it is just shown briefly in the video. It is also good to get blood to the head. This pose is called Uttanasana.

Sit back down on your chair and lean forward slightly. (Tip is is not a good idea to do these yoga exercises after a meal.)

Begin to move your spine rapidly. Inhaling as your chest comes forward and up and exhaling as it comes back. This is called breath of Fire or Kapalabhati breathing. It help the lungs open and also gets oxygen to the mind. Shallow breathing usually occur at work. (Take note and take a few deep breaths.)

Then Clasp the hands behind the head and pull back. Do this as you inhale and curve forward as you exhale. You can also hold either pose. Both are very beneficial.

Rest with the hands beside the chest.

written by Mak Giubarelli

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