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Eka Pada Setu Bandha Sarvangasana

Rest on the floor lying on your back.

Slightly bend the knees outward and take the feet a little closer.

With an exhalation raise the pelvis upwards. Then on the inhalation raise one leg straight up.

When the leg is raised like this weight falls on the outside of the other leg. Therefore roll the leg in the way and push down on the big toe.

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Raise the leg up partially if you have difficulty raising it straight up.

Use the thumbs to help support the lower back and push the sides of the palms into the body.

This will make the posture easier to hold.
Make sure there is no strain around the shoulders and neck. When tension is allowed to remain in these areas the mental body (Manomaya Kosa) cannot feel peace.

The leg that is raised has a tendency to turn slightly out. Push through the heel and pull the toes back to find the right alignment for the leg. Then stretch the foot back up.

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