Yoga Training

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Looking For Yoga Training? Which aspect of Yoga do you want to be trained in?

Most yoga teacher training programs will try to also teach many aspects of yoga for your own personal yoga practice and many who sign up for yoga teacher training courses do so to enhance their own practice rather than to teach yoga.

yoga training

It may seem like a good idea to learn yoga for your own practice and yoga to teach others at the same time but the truth is the contact you have with experienced yoga teachers (many times those running yoga teacher training programs are not even experienced) is limited during a yoga training course. If you wish to learn to deepen your yoga practice then this should be the soul intention of a yoga training program. If you wish to teach yoga to others and become a qualified yoga teacher then this should be all that is taught to you during your yoga training session as the time you are given for each is already too short.

Now there may be many good arguments as to why these statements may not correct but think about the amount of hours in your training.

Learning to teach yoga and learning yoga for your own personal growth are two very different things although they may seem similar as they are rooted in the same subject.

If your yoga teacher training has too much philosophy you will pay the price with an inability to bring proper guiding instructions to a group of people as these skills will not have been given the time to developed. Accurate information about the yoga postures may have not been learned as your nose was stuck in yoga philosophy books during your study time. Even worse you may not have had the time to cover important instructions to prevent injury or give proper guidance to prevent injury in a class.

It's not to say the philosophy is not important it is the essence of yoga but in a yoga class you will find yourself doing sequences of yoga postures more than speaking about the wise and profound words of Patanjali. I assure you your yoga students will be more interested in getting a suitable and fitting sequence of flowing exercises rather than sit and listen to profound history and scriptures about this beautiful ancient art. I assure you because I have taught over 5000 yoga classes and am a deep lover of Patanjali and other various enlightening text in the art of Yoga.

triangle pose
I have met so many yoga teacher that have spend most of their yoga teacher training program discussing the philosophy of yoga. This is something that should be separated into a specific yoga training rather than being the larger part of your yoga teacher training. The yoga teacher trainings are barely enough hours to cover the necessary parts of a yoga class.

If your yoga training didn't have enough of what you wanted check out these resources:


Yoga flow sequences. Whether you want home yoga or to practice yoga with others check out these great free yoga resources.

Yoga posture library and flow yoga sequences. More yoga sequences.

Printable asana yoga pictures.

Learn yoga breathing with many examples and downloadable yoga breathing mp3's

Learn to chant Yoga Sutras download and learn the chanting for free.

Are you looking for yoga meditation training? If so read these methods of yoga meditation and see if they work for you or your yoga classes.

Ask what is involved in your yoga training before handing over the check. Make sure it will teach you the skills you want to learn and not something some righteous right wing yoga fanatic believes is best for you.

written by Mark Giubarelli


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