Home Yoga Practice
 So you want to learn yoga at home and are looking for some useful hints and tips. You've found the right place.
Yoga classes can be expensive or simply too far to travel so it may be a good idea to follow these tips for making your home yoga practice good.
Print out short yoga sequences for your home yoga practice. Click on the images to enlarge and print. Hold most of the yoga poses for at least 5 breaths.
You may want to begin your practice with a Sun Salutation. See many and watch Sun Salutation Videos. Download more full page printable images at free yoga and practice Yoga.
See more flow yoga sequences to practice at home or click on images below for printable home yoga practice links and more detailed instructions. If you would like to add some yoga breathing to your practice here are some links for good yoga breathing techniques.
Breathing Exercises - Breathing Exercise 2- Breathing Exercises 3
Remember to take your shoes off for practice.

Home Yoga Practice Tips
1. Find a spot in your home that is big enough to stretch in all direction comfortably. This may mean moving a few pieces of furniture.
2. Make sure you have a nice yoga mat to practice on so that you stay clean and have proper padding. See yoga equipment.
3. Find some suitable music to listen to when you practice as this will help set the mood for yoga and block unwanted noises that may be occurring around you. See recommended Yoga music.
4. Find good times to practice and do so regularly. Everybody likes to exercise at different times. Find the times that either work into your schedule or ones that your body and mind feels most comfortable with.
5. Burn some incense. This is not for everybody. Some people are disturbed or have allergies form the smoke but you may find it also helps to set the mood.
6. Have good home yoga practice instructions in front of you. Hopefully we have provided some of the best free yoga tutorials on the web.
7. Wear suitable yoga clothing. This means anything that is not restrictive. Flexible clothing is always preferred. Quite often soft stretch material gets stretched and out of shape when you practice in it so find some good, flexible material that allows good air flow and does not get stretched out of shape the first time you use it.
8. Try to enjoy your practice as this will take you places you never dreamed possible. Never feel like it is a burden to practice but rather a great gift. |